I Call Him Rodney
Rodney Thompson of Wizards of the Coast joins us this week for our discussion of all things Skullport. The new expansion for the board game Lords of Waterdeep, called Scoundrels of Skullport, actually contains two expansions in one. Rodney tells us a bit about the origins of the game, the process of creating the expansion, and what to expect in the new box. We at Rule Zero have been big fans of this game since it came out, and have spent many hours sending our agents to the various buildings in Waterdeep. Now these expansions add more secret lords, a new mechanic called Corruption, and new locations to send your agents. Also, Rodney tells us the big news they announced at GenCon. Owners of iOS tablets are going to love this one.
Before we do the interview, Chris briefly recounts his first visit to GenCon. There was too much to do and too little time, that’s one thing we’re sure of. We propose making GenCon run the entire length of August next year. Maybe then we’ll have the time to do everything we wanted.
A couple news items hitting the cast this episode. We tick off our favorite ENnie awards, and briefly discuss the issue that’s come up in the forum on our website. If you’ve been there (which you haven’t), you know what I mean.